Kid City Kindergarten

A special place where early childhood is filled with fun, learning and LOVE
Our Family
We recognise that as educators, we play a vital role in the growth and development of children and it is from this insight that we aim to provide and retain the best possible early childhood educators. Our educators possess a variety of early childhood teaching degrees and diplomas.
Kid City maintains a teaching ratio of 1 educator to 7 children as apposed to regulatory requirements of 1:10.
Prior to commencing employment at Kid City Kindergarten, all staff undertake a “Working with Children Check” in order to comply with the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998, and the Commission for Children and Young Peoples Act 1998.

Mrs Mckenzie
"Of all things, LOVE is the most precious"
Best Kids Cook in the World

Vanessa Stockini
"Tell them and they will forget, teach them and they may remember, but involve them and they will learn"
Early Childhood Educator
Certified Supervisor
Diploma of Early Childhood (Birth to Six Years)

Donna Clark
"As a bridge, I will invite children to cross; then having supported their crossing I will joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create a bridge of their own"
Nominated Supervisor
Educational Leader
Early Childhood Teacher
Diploma of Early Childhood (Birth to Six Years), Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood (Birth to Six Years)

Renae Davies
"I will be a child's champion and never give up on them"
Educational Leader
Early Childhood Educator
Certified Supervisor
Diploma of Early Childhood (Birth to Six Years)
Louise Simmons
"The beautiful thing about what children discover, is that no one can take it away from them"
Early Childhood Teacher
Certified Supervisor
Diploma of Early Childhood (Birth to Six Years), Bachelor of Teaching (Six to Twelve Years)

Monica Myers
"A child is not a vessel to be filled.......but a ship to be sailed"
Early Childhood Teacher
Certified Supervisor
Diploma of Early Childhood (Birth to Six Years), Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood (Birth to Six Years)

Hollie Simmons
"A child never forgets how it feels to be loved"
Early Childhood Educator
Certified Supervisor
Diploma of Early Childhood (Birth to Six Years)

Sam Coates
"Wonderful things happen when you dream with your eyes open"
Early Childhood Educator
Certificate III in Early Childhood (Birth to Six Years)